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Our mission as a company is to protect the environment and our common future through sustainable food production. The food industry plays a significant role in the global climate and sustainability crisis, and for this reason we see it as a very important task to promote a plant-based development course towards a climate-smart planet. Sustainability values are deeply rooted in our company's DNA, and therefore such operations are very important and meaningful to us.


We founded Mö so that we could influence the sustainable development of the food industry on a concrete, everyday level. We believe, that by changing the dairy towards a plant-based direction and develop charming, easy-to-adopt products, will have a significant impact on the development of the whole industry and people's attitudes. The better we succeed in this and the more our products replace traditional higher-emission foods, the better positive impact, i.e. handprint, we can create.


We also believe that positive change creates more positive change: with the help of our example, more and more companies or individuals can adopt a sustainable operating model and move towards wonderful plant-based food innovations!

Maximizing net positivity &
minimizing footprint


Our entire operation is based on resource efficiency. This means that natural resources are not wasted in the production chain of our plant-based product but instead, are used sensibly and efficiently. We consider the circular economy model already when designing our products. This means, for example, that our products are packed in easily recyclable packages that protect their contents for as long as possible, are correctly dimensioned and thus minimize food waste at the same time. The more efficiently and better we operate, the more we produce net positive effects compared to our footprint.


What will our sustainability actions look like in the future?

We are committed to constantly develop our operations as we grow as a company. We therefore have a responsibility to improve our actions in order to remain a resource-efficient and low-emission company in the future as well. Currently we have reached fully renewable electricity production in our facilities, whilst we continue planning our future opportunities, e.g. green logistics and the introduction of more efficient operating methods in our production chain.


How do our sustainability actions relate to global goals?

Our sustainability actions are based on the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). With our activities, we can positively influence the following sustainable development goals:

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Good health and
well being

We produce plant-based dairy products that support a healthy diet and thus promote the well-being of both the planet and people. Our plan is to continue innovating products that are healthy and encourage even more people to enjoy plant-based foods.

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Responsible consumption and production

As a manufacturer of food products, we have the opportunity to influence consumers' everyday consumption choices. We encourage and inspire people to make smarter choices by offering products that are pleasant, meaningful, and easy to use. We launch new food innovations to the market that facilitate value-based and ethical consumption without forgetting the ease of recycling.

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Climate action

We promote the plant-based transition in the food industry and communicate to people about the concrete possibilities of climate action with the help of food. We already compensate our own production emissions and take care that when innovating new things, we always pay attention to climate-friendly raw materials, packaging recyclability and production resource efficiency.

Our tangible
sustainability actions

raw materials

This is the most important cornerstone of our operation! We are committed to only use plant-based raw materials for their climate friendliness, and in addition, we favour domestic raw materials in our products. All our oats are always 100% domestic, originating from Finnish farmers and fields. When purchasing oats, we also support a supply chain that is in line with sustainable farming practices. We are also aware that not all plant-based raw materials are automatically ethically responsible and good choices. Therefore, we do not use soy or palm oil in our products.

No side streams

Unlike a traditional dairy, our modern oat dairy does not generate any side streams. Product recipes and raw material selections are designed in such a way that no direct side streams are created at all. In this way, we can use the precious raw materials resource-efficiently and environmentally friendly in one process cycle.

Plant-based pioneering

We design our products and operations so well that other operators also want to improve their own operations. For us, high quality is the most important product feature, with which we aim to influence systemic change in the food field. When our plant-based products are delicious and have a good shelf life, it makes them attractive to more and more users. With excellent product quality, there is significantly less waste, and we can serve the real needs of our users, thereby increasing the positive handprint effect!

Planting of native forest

Every year, we plant new forest in areas of Finland that have not been under active forestry for a long time. In this way, we support Finland's climate goal of carbon neutrality at the same time. Every year, we add up the emissions caused by our own activities and plant a corresponding number of seedlings during the following summer. The planting work is done in cooperation with the 4H Taimiteko program, which also helps employing young people.

More information of our annual Taimiteko seedling project.

Re-designed dairy plant

We have converted an old dairy plant into a modern oat dairy for responsible and future-proof production. By making use of existing facilities and equipment, we effectively save materials and natural resources. We also utilize used and serviced equipment whenever possible, so that we don't have to purchase new ones for every need. We are a good example of how a revolution in the dairy industry is possible and profitable!

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